Radio Frequency/Induction Heat-Pressing

Through its Davidson Plyforms and IRT divisions, the Work Furniture group utilizes both radio frequency (RF) and induction heat pressing to form furniture components.

Radio Frequency

The RF process for curing adhesives has been used for many years in the production of curved plywood. This process is used for smaller upholstery-grade pieces, and works much like a microwave oven, where electricity is used to quickly cure the glue from the inside out. This allows a relatively fast press cycle and lends itself to multilayer pressing, driving costs down. Because RF technology can result in warping on large pieces, this process works best on smaller upholstered pieces.

Induction Heat Pressing

The induction process provides better control than the RF process when larger and more complex forms are produced. Larger one-piece upholstery-grade shells and exposed-grade plywood are pressed using the induction heat (IH) process. The IH process has two significant advantages over RF curing: even curing and deeper penetration of the glue. The adhesive is heated from the outside. Penetration of the glue is crucial because the process displaces moisture in the wood cells, inhibiting warping. The induction heating process is common in Europe. Our Davidson Plyforms branch is the first to commercially use this technology here in the United States.